Matthews’ Picking Technologies Featured in Modern Materials Handling

person picking from divided tote using projection picking system

Picking technologies are rapidly changing order fulfillment

Article: “An Inside Look at Picking Technologies”

Bernie McCabe, sales manager at Matthews Automation, was interviewed for the MMH article.

“Traditionally known as a point solution, pick-to-light is now a solution-based platform, says McCabe. Yes, times and warehouse demands have changed.

The pick-to-light lineup now includes light-directed picking and order replenishment as well as put-to-light and mobile carts. Low-volume RF picking is now in place along with build-to-light for manufacturing. Some systems don’t even have lights, relying on software and an order management tablet operating as a hub. Controls, servers and networks tie it all together.

That breadth, says McCabe, has supported expansion to use in a range of industries. His list includes home food delivery from meals to grocery store micro-fulfillment systems. Health care from pharmaceuticals to sundries and devices also now use pick-to-light platforms, adds McCabe.”

Read the entire article about picking technology.

Or, contact Lynn Drewicz, Marketing Manager, Matthews Automation at [email protected], 262.250.2169, or visit

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Global brands partner with Matthews Automation Solutions to increase distribution and order fulfillment speed, accuracy and efficiency. Matthews’ broad portfolio of best-of-breed solutions—including leading material handling automation brands Compass, Lightning Pick and Pyramid—offers warehouse execution software, controls, pick-to-light, put walls, order finishing systems, autonomous mobile robots and more. Combined with 25 years of industry experience and proven integration with other material handling systems, Matthews delivers agile and scalable applications throughout the supply chain. Matthews Automation Solutions is a Matthews International company, servicing customers from two North American locations.

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