lightning pick light frames

Light Frames

Portable Light Directed Order Picking Frames.

Mere inches thick, portable or fixed light frames are sturdy, welded metal structures equipped with pick-to-light modules across horizontal spans positioned at a variety of heights. The modules are spaced at predetermined intervals that align with the pick faces or storage bays within a rack or shelving system. When outfitted with casters, the frames can be wheeled to a static storage position; alternately, portable storage units can be wheeled to fixed location frames.

light frames

Scan and Sort to Light.

Upon arrival at the put-to-light sorting area, each item is scanned. This triggers the light-directed picking modules to illuminate at every put location where the item is required to complete the order. Pickers distribute the items accordingly, and extinguish the light once the task is complete. After an order is filled, the light-directed picking module indicates that the order is complete and ready to ship.


Light Directed Picking for 3PL

► See picking in action

Automated picking carts and integrated put walls work together for batch picking order waves, then sorting to individual customers orders. Plus, the two-sided put system directs box kitting, pack-out and other value-added services.


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